Projektets andra del, ett Escape Room för digital undervisning (DEER) – skapas med en innovativ undervisningsmetod som baseras på resultaten av vår e-Pool (IO1). Genom att analysera och testa de digitala verktygen iscensätter vi uppgifter och utmaningar som presenteras i ett Escape Room. IO2 kan delas in i två delar:
- en utbildningsmiljö för undervisning och
- en utbildningsmiljö för lärare som behöver bygga upp sina egna kunskaper.
Here is ABEDiLi Youtube channel.
You can find all DEER files at ABEDiLi GitHub account.
Here is the list of links for the DEER in all partner languages:
English https://hubs.mozilla.com/7KR3j6d/deer-lab-learners-english
German https://hubs.mozilla.com/R64E2ev/deer-lab-learners-german
Swedish https://hubs.mozilla.com/d2bRFDi/deer-lab-learners-swedish
Finnish https://hubs.mozilla.com/YxpW5fW/deer-lab-learners-finnish
Slovenian https://hubs.mozilla.com/6XJzuYd/deer-lab-learners-slovenian
Croatian https://hubs.mozilla.com/qY5YcFv/deer-lab-learners-croatian
Serbian https://hubs.mozilla.com/pkZ4DRp/deer-lab-learners-serbian
Digital educational escape room ”Monsterescape” is designed primarily for adult basic educators. It is developed as an XR product i.e. it can be played in browser in 2D and also in Virtual Reality headsets. If you play the game on PC or laptop, use Mozilla Firefox. Detailed instructions, information, tips and precautions are to find in the DEER guide.
Here is the list of links of this escape room in all partner languages:
English https://hubs.mozilla.com/eAdRVmk/deer-monsterescape-english
German https://hubs.mozilla.com/Xf64kHY/deer-monsterescape-german
Swedish https://hubs.mozilla.com/TtgcgtD/deer-monsterescape-swedish
Finnish https://hubs.mozilla.com/HVyYgZo/deer-monsterescape-finnish
Slovenian https://hubs.mozilla.com/TGyDsjH/deer-monsterescape-slovenian
Croatian https://hubs.mozilla.com/aZfv67V/deer-monsterescape-croatian
Serbian https://hubs.mozilla.com/7AGbwKF/deer-monsterescape-serbian