The initial product of our project is going to be the electronic Bundle of digital materials which will be clustered according to categories, types, and topics. More precise categorization will be possible in the process of project, considering the available materials…
Once finished, e-Pool will be released as OER on the basis of Google Educational Apps. Designing the e-Pool, ABEDiLi is to found an electronic library, that offers:
- Carefully selected materials and tools;
- Displays outstanding quality;
- Excludes security-related issues;
- Will save time and energy of busy educators;
- Will be available round the clock online.

IO2: Digital Educational Escape Room
IO2 DEER (Digital Educational Escape Room) is an innovative training/teaching method that will be developed on the findings of IO1 e-Pool. Having analysed and tested the digital tools, we will implement the best-suited ones into the puzzles of DEER. DEER will consist of two parts:…
- the educational escape room itself
- training course for educators on development of DEER

IO3: “Train the Trainer” is one of the core IOs in the project that will be designed almost parallel to IO2 DEER. The development of it can be initiated once the e-Pool is accomplished in order to embed the results into the teaching curriculum (IO3)…
It will be finished after than IO2 DEER to take the insights from DEER tests, as an innovative teaching method, and bring them into the training as well. The aim of the training is to bring the digital newcomers to pioneers providing them with necessary collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking skills.

IO4 Handbook is the final stage of ABEDiLi that will serve the purpose of guiding through the project IOs and the way they can and should be applied:…
- In further education organizations designing upskilling courses;
- In everyday practice of educational trainers aiding the trainings conceptualization;
- By basic skills educators in preparation and conducting the classes;
- By all stakeholders interested in
- embedding digital tools from e-Pool in their activities,
- implementing the innovative method of DEER.